convert a MS Word file into multiple HTML pages



The MS Word file contains text and images (saved into the
file, not OLE). For example, if the file has 3 headings
1, 1.1, 1.2, there should be 3 HTML files (one for each
heading). Text and images between 1 heading to the next
must be extracted into the HTML file. What are the
options and/or easiest option available to do the task?
Please reply soon.

Word Heretic

G'day "Lang2" <[email protected]>,

You need a macro to extract the text between your headings and save as
sep file sbefore HTML'ing each file. I know this is well within MVP
capabilities, so thus I merely bounce.

As I get 0 recog, 0 point here.

Steve Hudson - Word Heretic
Want a hyperlinked index? S/W R&D? See

steve from (Email replies require payment)

Lang2 reckoned:

Klaus Linke


-- Save in HTML format
-- Go to outline view
-- click on the button to create subdocuments
-- save again

This creates a HTML file for each "Heading 1". it also creates a
master document... but you can simply throw that away.


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