In a query use the expression
Field: Val([Claim_Number])
that will return the numeric value of the string. It will drop the
zero(s) since a number is a number and numbers do not have leading (or
trailing) zeros.
If you want to permanently store the new number.
== Add a new field to the table
== Set its field type to number and choose the appropriate field type
== Use an update query to enter the value in the new field using the
expression above in the UPDATE to row.
NEW query
== Add your table
== Add the new field to the list of fields
== SELECT Query: Update from the menu
== Enter the following in the UPDATE to row under the new field
== Select Query: Run from the menu
John Spencer
Access MVP 2002-2005, 2007-2009
The Hilltop Institute
University of Maryland Baltimore County
Thank you Sir. But I am not sure where to enter this formula. Could you
be a
little more specific please. This is my data field - Claim_Number -
Try this --
New_Number: Val(Replace([Old_Number], "["]", ""))
Build a little, test a little.
I have a table imported from some other programme which I have no
access to.
The data is in text format and has strings. Example "123456789". I
need to
convert this to plain number format ie - 123456789. I have read tons
srticles but no one has given a clear cut answer. Please help and
exactly how to do this in a query. Thanks.