Convert Access97 to SQL 2000 (again)


Michelle W


Sorry I forgot to mention in my previous post that I
would split the Access97 database to front-end and back-
end first. Then I would like to upgrade the back-end to
SQL 2000, the front-end to Access 2000.

To do the former upgrade, can I just import the Access97
tables in the SQL server? With this done, is there any
problem to convert Access97 front-end to Access2000?

Thanks again.


Tony Toews

Michelle W said:
Sorry I forgot to mention in my previous post that I
would split the Access97 database to front-end and back-
end first. Then I would like to upgrade the back-end to
SQL 2000, the front-end to Access 2000.

If it's not already split then don't bother. You're going to end up
with the BE as being on SQL Server anyhow.
To do the former upgrade, can I just import the Access97
tables in the SQL server? With this done, is there any
problem to convert Access97 front-end to Access2000?

You want to use the upsizing wizard to do all this. BTW the Upsizing
Wizard has significant improvements in A2000 and newer and integrates
better with SQL Server 2000. I'd suggest converting the app first to
A2000 and then upsizing it.

Do a search at the Knowledge Base at using the
keywords "upsizing" to review the various white papers on upsizing
Access to SQL Server as well as to ensure you have any updates

Also see my Random Thoughts on SQL Server Upsizing from Microsoft
Access Tips page at

Tony Toews, Microsoft Access MVP
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