Here is the Decimal Data Type version of my function which will handle up
to a 28-digit Base36 number (max "number" is ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ)...
Function ConvertBase36ToBase10(Base36Number As String) As Variant
Dim x As Long, Digit As String, Power As Variant
If Len(Base36Number) > 18 Or Base36Number Like "*[!0-9A-Za-z]*" Then
ConvertBase36ToBase10 = CVErr(xlErrNum)
Exit Function
End If
For x = Len(Base36Number) To 1 Step -1
Digit = UCase(Mid(Base36Number, x, 1))
If Len(Base36Number) > 9 Then
Power = CDec("101559956668416") * (36 ^ (Len(Base36Number) - 9 - x))
Power = 36 ^ (Len(Base36Number) - x)
End If
ConvertBase36ToBase10 = ConvertBase36ToBase10 + CDec(IIf(IsNumeric( _
Digit), Digit, (Asc(Digit) - 55)) * Power)
End Function
Note that the If..Then handling of the exponent for the 36 base number is
necessary because raising any number to a power using the caret (^(^(^)
operator collapses Decimal Data Type values back to Long Data Type
values... the 101559956668416 value is 36 raised to the 9th power. I also
through in some error checking as well.
Rick (MVP - Excel)
Ron Rosenfeld said:
You get a VALUE error because Rick Dim'd is variables as Longs, and your
entry overflows that.
If you change it to Double, it should work OK:
Function ConvertBase36ToBase10(Base36Number As String) As Double
Dim X As Long, Total As Double, Digit As String
For X = Len(Base36Number) To 1 Step -1
Digit = UCase(Mid(Base36Number, X, 1))
ConvertBase36ToBase10 = ConvertBase36ToBase10 + IIf(IsNumeric(Digit),
Digit, (Asc(Digit) - 55)) * (36 ^ (Len(Base36Number) - X))
End Function
Of course, Excel is limited to 15 digit precision. You can get increased
precision in VBA by using the Decimal data type, but the only way to get
into a worksheet cell would be with a string output.