convert currency to words



i'm trying to convert a currency field ie £125.00 to a word field ie one
hundred and twenty five pounds, anyone know how to do this please. found
something about a data access page but i don't think this is the same thing


thanks for your code, unfortunatly i'm not very experienced when it comes to
code like this, is there any way you could tell me which bits of the code i
need, i'm using a currency field call 'money' ie £ 1500, and i want the text
to display in a field called 'moneytext' ie one thousand and five hundred
pounds. sorry i know this is a bit of a check but i'm at a complete loss.

many thanks

Graham R Seach

Just copy the code from the webpage, and put it into a standard module.

Then, assuming the numeric representation you want to convert is sitting in
a textbox called, say, txtMoney, you can call the code like so:
Me!txtMoneyText = Num2Text(Me!txtMoney, ConvTypeCurrency,

In a query, assuming the table field you want to convert is called, say
[Money], you can call it in the QBE grid like so:
MoneyText: Num2Text([Money], 3, 4)

....which in SQL translates to:

SELECT Num2Text([Money], 3, 4) As MoneyText
FROM tblMyTable

Graham R Seach
Microsoft Access MVP
Sydney, Australia


you are an absolute star, thank you very much

Graham R Seach said:
Just copy the code from the webpage, and put it into a standard module.

Then, assuming the numeric representation you want to convert is sitting in
a textbox called, say, txtMoney, you can call the code like so:
Me!txtMoneyText = Num2Text(Me!txtMoney, ConvTypeCurrency,

In a query, assuming the table field you want to convert is called, say
[Money], you can call it in the QBE grid like so:
MoneyText: Num2Text([Money], 3, 4)

....which in SQL translates to:

SELECT Num2Text([Money], 3, 4) As MoneyText
FROM tblMyTable

Graham R Seach
Microsoft Access MVP
Sydney, Australia

blackcat said:
thanks for your code, unfortunatly i'm not very experienced when it comes
code like this, is there any way you could tell me which bits of the code
need, i'm using a currency field call 'money' ie £ 1500, and i want the
to display in a field called 'moneytext' ie one thousand and five hundred
pounds. sorry i know this is a bit of a check but i'm at a complete loss.

many thanks

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