Todd F.
I have a number coming otu in decimal form representing days
..25, .5, 1.25 1.5, 100.5, 368.75, it can be anything up to about 3 years.
I need to convert to Dayss:Hrs:minutes ddd:hh:mm
so 1.5 would be 1:12:00
1.25 would be 1:06:00
368.75 would be 368:18:00
If something is 29 days, 23 hrs, & 50 minutes that is important to my world
Hey thanks for your time
..25, .5, 1.25 1.5, 100.5, 368.75, it can be anything up to about 3 years.
I need to convert to Dayss:Hrs:minutes ddd:hh:mm
so 1.5 would be 1:12:00
1.25 would be 1:06:00
368.75 would be 368:18:00
If something is 29 days, 23 hrs, & 50 minutes that is important to my world
Hey thanks for your time