convert dd/mm/yy hh:mm AM IST


Rajesh Palande

25/01/10 04:39 AM IST
I want to write a function which will compare the timing given in format
mentioned above with 04:10 pm or 16:10 hrs and highlight if current time is
more that 16:10. Please help me with appropriate formula.

David Biddulph

You'll need to trim the " IST" off the end, then hopefully you can get Excel
to recognise the rest as a real Excel date and time and do the usual Excel
processing. =MOD(cellref,1) will trim off the date and leave the time.

David Biddulph

=--LEFT(A2,LEN(A2)-4) is one way of getting rid of the "IST"
Format the result as date and time.

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