The below formula will convert decimal minutes-seconds into real time
hours-minutes-seconds. In the current example, the total time is 23:59:00
which is correct.
However, if I increase the minutes so that they total more than 24 hours, my
formula losses 24 hours.
Can someone help me modify my formula, so if cell A2 changes to 2 decimal
minutes, the correct total would be displayed as 24:01:00, instead of
00:01:00 ?
Example Formula
=TEXT((SUM(A1:A5))/1440, "hh:mm:ss")
Example Data
1 200.00
2 0.00
3 39.00
4 800.00
5 400.00
hours-minutes-seconds. In the current example, the total time is 23:59:00
which is correct.
However, if I increase the minutes so that they total more than 24 hours, my
formula losses 24 hours.
Can someone help me modify my formula, so if cell A2 changes to 2 decimal
minutes, the correct total would be displayed as 24:01:00, instead of
00:01:00 ?
Example Formula
=TEXT((SUM(A1:A5))/1440, "hh:mm:ss")
Example Data
1 200.00
2 0.00
3 39.00
4 800.00
5 400.00