have excel spreadsheet in formatted cloumns I need to load into Contacts
One quick way to this:
1. Click File -> Import/Export to export current contacts into a
CSV.(Comma Separated Values (Windows))
2. Load the CSV into Excel
3. Delete all data from that file except for top headers. You can do
this by placing the cursor into the A2 field, and then pressing
Ctrl-shift-end to select everything to the end of file, and then just
press Delete.
4. Paste your existing data into matching columns
5. Close the CSV file (avoids file sharing conflict)
6. Use File -> Import feature of Outlook to import this data
By following these steps, you'll eliminate the need to map fields.
Outlook 2007 does not like to import from Excel 2007 xlsx files.
Leonid S. Knyshov
Crashproof Solutions
Twitter: @wiseleo
Microsoft Small Business Specialist
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