convert from .doc to WPD



I am trying to use the Word converter to convert from Word .doc to WPD, and
the coverter does not work for that combination. I have tried saving the
origional document in several formats to convert from, but to no avail. Is
there anyone who knows how I can convert these documents? This would save me
a whole lot of time. Thanks

Dawn Crosier

You may be able to find what you need here: Toward the middle of the page is
a variety of converters which are no longer installed in newer
versions of Word, but they work pretty well.

If that does not work for you, then most word processing software
applications can read RTF files. However, very few converters convert
such that the resulting conversion is letter perfect.

Good Luck.

Dawn Crosier
Microsoft MVP
"Education Lasts a Lifetime"

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Hi Dawn, Thanks for your reply. I'm not sure why, but the link you provided
does not seem to work saying "Page cannot be found". Are you sure it was


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