Convert handwritten abreviations, acronyms, to text.


Mike Davies

That would take a lot of intelligence to pull off and would probably make
regular text conversion (i.e. to real words) less accurate. Currently it
does a decent job of converting my lousy handwriting to text in part because
it figures that I probably wrote "and" instead of "cmd."

The keyboard recogniser on my Windows Smartphone has the facility to
learn words. So if I type in "cmd" if first puts "and" then shows a
drop-down box with other alternatives. The final choice in the ddb is
"Add word" which allows me to add "cmd" to its word database. After
this "cmd" will appear in the ddb and if it is the word that is most
often selected then it will replace "and" as the default.

Is there any reason why OneNote cannot implement a similar style of
logic for its handwriting recognition ?


Handwritten abbreviations, acronyms and shorthands seem to be 'interpreted'
when converted to text. I want the characters taken as I write them. If I
write 'cmd', that's the text conversion I want to find, not 'and'. If I write
'CNB', those are the three characters I want to see in text after conversion,
not 'And'. If I use the shorthand 'c/', I want hose two characters to appear
as the converted text, not varying attempts to turn the handwriting into some
Is there any hope of this?

Ben M. Schorr - MVP

That would take a lot of intelligence to pull off and would probably make
regular text conversion (i.e. to real words) less accurate. Currently it
does a decent job of converting my lousy handwriting to text in part because
it figures that I probably wrote "and" instead of "cmd."


Ben M. Schorr, OneNote-MVP
Roland Schorr & Tower
Microsoft OneNote FAQ:

**I apologize but I am unable to respond to direct requests for assistance.
Please post questions and replies here in the newsgroup. Mahalo!

Mike Davies

The keyboard recogniser on my Windows Smartphone has the facility to
But what is really needed is a way of enabling software components to
have their own dictionaries. This would allow eg a maths input
recogniser to translate all the myriad maths symbols without trashing
the normal written language recogniser(s).

The relevance for ON is that it really needs some kind of plug-in
adaptor so the different types of field input can co-exist within a page
(by choosing which plug-in is responsible for that part of the page).
Akin to the way drawings are understood seperately from text handwriting.

Mike Davies

Mike said:
The relevance for ON is that it really needs some kind of plug-in
adaptor so the different types of field input can co-exist within a page
(by choosing which plug-in is responsible for that part of the page).
Akin to the way drawings are understood seperately from text handwriting.

I just wanted to add that the way I envision this working might be that
a person in a lecture or meeting would just leave everything in ink form
while taking notes. Then after the event s/he could choose an icon in
the toolbar and paint / lasso the relevant parts of the ink to have them
recognised according to the relevant subject type eg maths, chemical
symbols, software diagram etc etc. Like the Format painter in Word etc.

ISTM that the plug-in system needs th be flexible enough to allow third
parties to implement them.

Thanks for listening,

Erik Sojka (MVP)

Remember that OneNote does not do HW recognition natively. It relies on
the Ink features of the Tablet PC OS to do this.

So it's Windows that is "limited" in this way. I would guess that as the
Tablet grows in popularity, more categories of words will be able to be
recognized by future software updates.

I don't know offhand ifsuch a thing exists, but maybe there is a third
party dictionary that can be used for engineering or other disciplines,
similar to what Fritz is doing for medical applications at his site.

Ben M. Schorr - MVP

Mike Davies said:
The keyboard recogniser on my Windows Smartphone has the facility to learn
words. So if I type in "cmd" if first puts "and" then shows a drop-down
box with other alternatives. The final choice in the ddb is "Add word"
which allows me to add "cmd" to its word database. After this "cmd" will
appear in the ddb and if it is the word that is most often selected then
it will replace "and" as the default.

Is there any reason why OneNote cannot implement a similar style of logic
for its handwriting recognition ?

You could create an AutoCorrect entry to do it I suppose. Some unusual
string of text that OneNote will auto-replace with "cmd".


Ben M. Schorr, OneNote-MVP
Roland Schorr & Tower
Microsoft OneNote FAQ:

**I apologize but I am unable to respond to direct requests for assistance.
Please post questions and replies here in the newsgroup. Mahalo!

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