no, what I would like is for the hh:mm to be converted to days:hh:mm
but at moment when I apply the formula the days are wrong.
actually it might be right, because is 4 days at 24 hrs each...
sorry the penny just dropped!
so rephrasing my query... can I have the hh:mm to show all the hours when
more than 24hrs?
is I worked 28 hrs 15 min on a project now it shows 4:15 and I like to show
it as 28:15
hope you can help
David Biddulph said:
So you are now saying that you don't want the days, hours, and minutes that
you originally asked for, but instead you want hours and minutes?
In that case, format as [h]:mm
David Biddulph
Resi said:
thanks everyone for your help which I tried to sort out, but still having
when I apply the formula it says I only worked 4 day in the whole of
the cell I am referring to says 4:10 (hh:mm) - this is the sum of my daily
entries (start time -end time)
when I apply the formula:
=INT(A1)&" days "&TEXT(A1,"hh:mm") the answer is 4 days 4:10
is there anyway for the hours field to give me total hours worked not just
the number of hours over 24hrs periods? i.e. 28:10 (if that the case)
the decimal conversion of the 4:10 is: 100.17
your help would be fantastic!!
Thank You, David.
You're "THE MAN"... Very, very happy with solution.
"David Biddulph" escreveu:
If you're not going to go beyond 30 days or so, then you could use the
d "days" hh:mm
If you want to go further then you could use the formula:
=INT(A1)&" days "&TEXT(A1,"hh:mm")
David Biddulph
I am calculating difference in dates in 24 hour format to give me a
time this has given me a large number of hours:min:seconds. Can
convert this to a format of days, hours, minutes?