convert htm files to Publisher files


Heinz Reichl

I lost my Publisher web files on my old computer when it
crashed. I have a new computer now and would like to load
my web files back into Publisher so I can work on it. I
got the files from the web server using "ftp" method but
when I open the files, the text, pictures, links, etc. on
the pages are not on their correct place. (header is in
the middle of page, text is on the right,.......)
Somebody told me I have to convert the htm files (the
files I downloaded are in htm) into Publisher files (I am
using Publisher 2002 by the way).
In the Publisher Help file it states that Publisher can
convert those files but it doesn't tell you how.
Any help is greatly appreciated. I really don't want to
start the website all over again.

David Bartosik - MS MVP

A Publisher web site is managed through the Publisher web publication, the file. This .pub file should be on a back-up if the site is important
Backing up the web site files (.htm files) is unnecessary since you can open
the Publisher file and recreate the web pages again.
Version 2002 introduced the ability to open web page files (.htm files) but
it is still not an html code editor and this new functionality of opening
..htm files is merely part of a new work flow method introduced in the 2002
This new method being that instead of creating and managing the site with a
web publication (.pub) file, the site is saved directly as html files (no
pub file) and as such the html files then are openable by 2002, this version
calls this method "round-tripping".
You can visit and review the first
4 articles for more on this topic.
If the site was saved as html (no pub file) than you can open any html file
of that site and the whole site will be loaded into version 2002 and be
ready for editing.
If you have a "normal" web page that was created by Publisher's .pub file,
you can open that htm file in version 2002 but you will only be opening that
single page. You cannot open the site as a whole.
Once you have that htm file open you can than Save As and select .pub file
to convert that page to a web publication. Once you have a web publication
you would then add pages to it as normal, you won't be able to import html
files into it.
Opening html files is part of the "round-tripping" method. Opening an htm
file that was not created by 2002's new method may result in some loss of
formatting or otherwise not be reproduced accurately.

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