Good day!
Firstly, I want to sincerely thank you for your great interest in our
When a sender sends an email to us in a specific email format, he may be
used to send/receive emails in this format. Therefore, Outlook will use the
original format to reply or forward emails to the senders. This is designed
based on our customers feedback. However, we still can change the email
format by going to the Format menu while composing the reply email.
I understand in some specific situation you may hope to automatically
convert all HTML email to Plain Text and insert a prefix in the original
text when we click the Reply button. As Outlook doesn't have this feature,
we need develop some codes to achieve it.
I regret to say that we do not support any Developer request in this
newsgroup. If the link Milly provided previously did not fully meets your
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can either
share their knowledge or learn from your interaction with us.
Another suggestion you might be interested is to contact our MCSP
(Microsoft Certified Solution Provider) for assistance on this programming
issue. Our MCSP mainly provides development support service on all
Microsoft products. They will provide you with the best service alternative
for the situation and allow the case tracking required.
For more information about MCSP (Microsoft Solution Providers), please call
Microsoft Customer Information Service at (800)426-9400 or refer to the
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Thanks for your understanding. Have a good day!
Best Regards,
Grace Xiao MCSE
Online Support Professional
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From: foobar <
[email protected]>
Newsgroups: microsoft.public.outlook.general
Subject: Re: Convert html email to text automatically on reply etc???
Date: Sun, 06 Jul 2003 15:22:35 -0500
Organization: foobar
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[email protected]>
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DXC=DWUFU32V;Jim_i:024=]AkC_A=>8kQj6m;[h;PUXBgbdCT said:
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Path: cpmsftngxa09.phx.gbl!TK2MSFTNGP08.phx.gbl!!t-onlin!!!!
Xref: cpmsftngxa09.phx.gbl microsoft.public.outlook.general:22992
X-Tomcat-NG: microsoft.public.outlook.general
THanks for your reply!
I didn't find exactly what I was looking for but found some
interesting stuff in that direction nevertheless.
in OL2K I'm surprised getting it to default or convert to plain text
(courier) is so involved! Afterall AFTER you hit the reply button you
can then simply hit the Format Menu and 'Plain Text' item. (no
keyboard shortcut apparently). Alslo when you convert to plain text
this route it comes too late to get teh ">" appended. At this point
I'd settle for a shortcut keystroke!
All I wanted was a way to have incoming email (w/ preview pane)
automatically convert or strip to plain text (same courrier font I use
elsewhere for email text) when I read, display, reply etc and use the
in replies. No RTF, no HTML, colors, varying fonts, etc...
Actually I don't mind it too much but it would be nice if it just
converted to plain text (w/ ">" when I hit the reply key. That would
be a good compromise.
Anyway you've given me some stuff to mull over - may still find the
perfect solution yet! - thanks again!
Sorry - here is the link to the Slipstick site: