Convert jpg to bmp


Jim Jackson

I have seen Stephen Lebans' conversion tool for converting jpg to emf but
cannot figure how to take that to converting to bmp in order to efficiently
place pictures in the Access database I have built. There could be 3,000 or
more pictures when I have finished with it so manually opening and doing
saveas is out of the question.

Thanks for any help.

Stephen Lebans

There will be no significant difference in size between the EMF and the BMP.
As for the conversion process, there are several Free Graphics Converters on
the Net that can easily convert batches(folders) of images from JPG to BMP.

But how will you be inserting the BMP's? If you are planning to use OLE then
you will quickly find that your table will exceed the 1GB limit.


Stephen Lebans
Access Code, Tips and Tricks
Please respond only to the newsgroups so everyone can benefit.

Pops Jackson


Thank you for your reply. I will appreciate any advice you have to offer
regarding my task. I thought I had read in previous posts that BMP was the
way to go with inserting pictures, at least better than JPG. I tried using
an EMF file in the OLE cell but only to have the filename show, which was a
gateway to opening the actual file.

Is there a better choice than the OLE?

Thanks again,
Pops Jackson

Stephen Lebans said:
There will be no significant difference in size between the EMF and the BMP.
As for the conversion process, there are several Free Graphics Converters on
the Net that can easily convert batches(folders) of images from JPG to BMP.

But how will you be inserting the BMP's? If you are planning to use OLE then
you will quickly find that your table will exceed the 1GB limit.


Stephen Lebans
Access Code, Tips and Tricks
Please respond only to the newsgroups so everyone can benefit.

Stephen Lebans

Unless the 3,000 images are quite small and low color depth there is
absolutely no way you will be able to insert them directly into a table via
OLE. Depending on the amount of compression you may be able to insert them
as raw binary data via the Long Binary field data type. The majority of
users simply load the externally stored images at runtime as required via
the Image control's Picture property. There is code posted basically every
single day in the NG's demonstrating how to load a disk based image into the
Image control.

Either search via GoogleGroups or start here and follow the links:


Stephen Lebans
Access Code, Tips and Tricks
Please respond only to the newsgroups so everyone can benefit.

Pops Jackson said:

Thank you for your reply. I will appreciate any advice you have to offer
regarding my task. I thought I had read in previous posts that BMP was
way to go with inserting pictures, at least better than JPG. I tried
an EMF file in the OLE cell but only to have the filename show, which was
gateway to opening the actual file.

Is there a better choice than the OLE?

Thanks again,

Jim Jackson

Please forgive my "Old-Timer's" acting up. I found the thread I had
mentioned and found that my memory was off. I also found references to
"OnCurrent" and "AfterUpdate" which work beautifully. In fact I was able to
run an Excel Macro to list all the jpeg files in the folder, combine the
filenames with path info and paste them right into the text box in the
database so I now have over 5000 entries with a relatively small size

Thanks for your replies and the link you provided. You have been a great
help in getting me on the right path.


Something that worked for me was to:
1) Place the jpg file on the same directory as the appication
2) Insert an image in your form, select the image you want to display and
set all properties like size, borders, etc.
3) Under the Form_Open Sub add a line of code like: MyImageName.Picture =
Application.CurrentProject.Path & "\MyImage.jpg"
4) Go back to the inserted image, right click and select properties
5) On the Format tab, first line, remove whatever it says and answer yes
when asked to confirm (this will remove the jpg from the database). This way
the actual picture is not part of the database and if you have many pictures
it will keep the database smaller.
Any time you open the form it will automatically call the image to display
from the current directory
I use this in an application with multiple forms, where I place a company
logo in all forms

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