I had the problem of converting WP mailing labels to Word 97. I had my son work on it and he did not like the looks of the files in Word so he opened the WP file in Excel. He found that with one or two minor exceptions the full name, address and city/state/zip fell into different columns. He titled each column and e-mailed it to me
I used Avery Wizard which is a free download designed by Avery to make Word labeling easy. I merely selected the Excel file as the database and PRESTO the labels were set up ready for printing. They look great.
Avery.com>software>Avery Wizar
We just got lucky, no skill here
(e-mail address removed)
----- Cindy M -WordMVP- wrote: ----
Hi Cranmore,
Every time I open the WordPerfect file of mailing labels I
typed for Christmas, Word sees it as a list
with "continous breaks" between the addresses. How do I
get back the label formatting
Well... Word uses TABLES to set up label pages. WordPerfect
lets you define separate "pages" that you can print out
n-wide by n-tall. These two approaches are so dissimilar that
the WP file just won't convert to "labels" in Word. That's
why you're seeing what you're seeing
You'll have to recreate the label format in Word, using
Word's feature (which sets up a table)
The bigger challenge will be getting the addresses in a
format you can use for mail merge. I suggest you start with
the information on Graham Mayor's website. With any luck you
can apply it directly to your situation
Cindy Meiste
INTER-Solutions, Switzerlan
http://homepage.swissonline.ch/cindymeister (last update Sep
30 2003
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