Convert Lotus 123 Release 9 to Excel 2000



Can a Lotus 123 Release 9 spread sheet be converted to
Excel 2000. Lotus spreadsheet is a basic spread sheet.


John Wilson


Macros won't convert but the basic spreadsheet should.
From Lotus, do a "Save As" Microsoft Excel 97 Workbook.
You should then be able to open it from Excel.
Most formulas will automatically convert.


Harlan Grove

stan said:
Can a Lotus 123 Release 9 spread sheet be converted to
Excel 2000. Lotus spreadsheet is a basic spread sheet.

If you mean .123 files, no software other than 32-bit versions of 123
itself, Quattro Pro 10 and later, and DataViz's ConversionPlus can read
them. If you have 123R9.x, then use it to convert the file either to a .WK4
file or a .XLS file, both of which Excel can read. If you don't have any of
these, then you'll need to ask whoever sent you this file to convert it for
you and resend.

Do not expend any hope that Microsoft will help you out with this. It's been
more than 6 years since Lotus introduced the .123 file format. If Microsoft
hasn't supported it yet, the smart money would bet that it never supports

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