Convert Mac Spreadsheet to excel 2000



Can anyone tell me if is possible to convert worksheets
created on IMac to 2000 version of excel? The IBM is
running windows 2000.


The buttons changed drastically going from pc to mac:
- the letters inside the boxes didn't fit anymore
- the button places changed: buttons for navigation purpose placed one next
to another were covering each other a bit.

Same with you ?

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J.E. McGimpsey

The buttons changed drastically going from pc to mac:
- the letters inside the boxes didn't fit anymore
- the button places changed: buttons for navigation purpose placed one next
to another were covering each other a bit.

Same with you ?

Since Mac and Windows use different default screen resolutions (72
ppi and 96 ppi, respectively), this will cause the effects you've
seen. On my cross-platform applications, I set up two sets of
userforms and use conditional compilation to choose the ones to

I don't often use form controls directly in the worksheet, but when
I do, I either make them as small as practical on the Mac platform
and live with them being a bit too large on Win machines, or I scale
them at run-time by 96/72 for Macs.

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