I need to analyze results of blood tests in patients for my research.
The lab has given me the dataset in an Excel file, but the results are
presented in a way that makes analysis impossible (for me) because
there are about 2000 patients' results. Can anyone suggest a solution?
The lab's file lists the results in this way:
A1= Name; B1= Date; C1= Result
A2= Smith (for example); B2= Date 1 (e.g. 3/12/2003); C2= 100mg/l
A3= Smith; B3= Date 2 (e.g. 3/13/2003); C3= 115mg/l
A4= Smith; B4= Date 3 (e.g. 3/14/2003); C4= 134mg/l
A5= Smith; B5= Date 4 (e.g 3/15/2003); C5= 102mg/l
A6= Jones; B6= Date1 (e.g. 5/1/2003); C6= 99mg/l
A7= Jones; B7= Date 2 (e.g. 5/2/2003); C7= 176mg/l
A8= Jones; B8= Date 3 (e.g. 5/3/2003); C8= 200mg/l
A9= Jones; B9= Date 4 (e.g 5/4/2003); C9= 150mg/l
I need to have the results presented in this format:
A1= Name; B1= Date 1 result; C1=Date 2 result; D1=Date 3 result; E1=
Date 4 result; F1= Date 5 etc.
A2= Smith; B2= 100mg/l; C2= 115mg/l; D2= 134mg/l; E2= 102mg/l etc...
A3= Jones; B3= 99mg/l; C3= 176 mg/l; D3= 200mg/l; E3= 150 mg/l etc...
In other words, the actual date is not as important as Date1, Date 2
and Date 3 are in chronological order - I am looking at the change in
the blood result over the subsequent days after the baseline (Date 1).
Each patient has 5 to 7 associated blood results for the test done on
consecutive days. The lab's file has about 12,000 rows and 3 columns.
I need the same data in about 2000 rows and 8 columns.
Hope you can help.
The lab has given me the dataset in an Excel file, but the results are
presented in a way that makes analysis impossible (for me) because
there are about 2000 patients' results. Can anyone suggest a solution?
The lab's file lists the results in this way:
A1= Name; B1= Date; C1= Result
A2= Smith (for example); B2= Date 1 (e.g. 3/12/2003); C2= 100mg/l
A3= Smith; B3= Date 2 (e.g. 3/13/2003); C3= 115mg/l
A4= Smith; B4= Date 3 (e.g. 3/14/2003); C4= 134mg/l
A5= Smith; B5= Date 4 (e.g 3/15/2003); C5= 102mg/l
A6= Jones; B6= Date1 (e.g. 5/1/2003); C6= 99mg/l
A7= Jones; B7= Date 2 (e.g. 5/2/2003); C7= 176mg/l
A8= Jones; B8= Date 3 (e.g. 5/3/2003); C8= 200mg/l
A9= Jones; B9= Date 4 (e.g 5/4/2003); C9= 150mg/l
I need to have the results presented in this format:
A1= Name; B1= Date 1 result; C1=Date 2 result; D1=Date 3 result; E1=
Date 4 result; F1= Date 5 etc.
A2= Smith; B2= 100mg/l; C2= 115mg/l; D2= 134mg/l; E2= 102mg/l etc...
A3= Jones; B3= 99mg/l; C3= 176 mg/l; D3= 200mg/l; E3= 150 mg/l etc...
In other words, the actual date is not as important as Date1, Date 2
and Date 3 are in chronological order - I am looking at the change in
the blood result over the subsequent days after the baseline (Date 1).
Each patient has 5 to 7 associated blood results for the test done on
consecutive days. The lab's file has about 12,000 rows and 3 columns.
I need the same data in about 2000 rows and 8 columns.
Hope you can help.