Hi =?Utf-8?B?V2h5IGRpZCBJIHVwZGF0ZQ==?=,
Having built a Word 2000 normal.dot containing many little macros & auto
inserts etc over many years, I want to transfer its contents to normal.dotm
for use in Word 2007. Is there a way?
It should work to open it in Word 2007, then do Save As to the *.dotm file
format. But be careful to make a back-up copy, first, "just in case".
What I might do, given that it's always better to start with a "clean" copy of
the Normal template is to
- Open Normal.dot (or start Word 2000, if you still have it around)
- Alt+F11 to open the VB Editor. Select each Module in the Normal project
and use File/Export with it. This will write the macros to plain text files.
- Create a new document, save it as a template.
- Tools/Templates and Add-ins/Organizer. Use this to copy the AutoText to
the newly created template from the Normal template
- Save this template with the AutoText to the same folder where Building
Blocks.dotx is saved for Word 2007
- Start Word 2007 with its own Normal.dotm. Alt+F11. File/Import to bring
your Word 2000 VBA modules into Normal.dotm.
Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland
http://homepage.swissonline.ch/cindymeister (last update Jun 17 2005)
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