Convert not accepting product key


Lani Bear

I'm trying to convert to full product from trial version, but I get an error
message saying my product key is incorrect. I know I've entered it exactly
as printed inside the trial kit. What will fix it?


Might I suggest that you delete OneNote from your PC. It is obviously a
badly designed and faulty piece of s/w. If MS can't even get the
installation right what hope is there of the app. actually working?
Life is too short to waste on trying to get buggy and poorly tested s/w
to work. CJB.

Olya Veselova (Microsoft, OneNote team)

Please make sure to use the key that is provided specifically for OneNote.
The general Office key won't work for OneNote.


When I had the same problem the supplier of the full version said it
would not convert. Recomend removing the trail version & installing the
full version. When I did that I did not lose any data.

Lani Bear

This Is the key that came specifically in the One Note 2003 60-day trial kit.

Lani Bear

It's worth a try! But I don't see how I can remove the trial version and not
lose any data... What order of steps do you recommend? (My teen and I have
Office for students and I hope to purchase the student version of One Note.)
I'm wondering if I can have it sent to me, install it, then remove the trial
version... or is there a beter way...

Rainald Taesler

CJB shared these words of wisdom:

Might I suggest that you delete OneNote from your PC. It is
a badly designed and faulty piece of s/w. If MS can't even get the
installation right what hope is there of the app. actually working?

I'm sorry, but I cannot resist to take the liberty to call this true


Rainald Taesler

Lani Bear shared these words of wisdom:

I'm trying to convert to full product from trial version, but I get
an error message saying my product key is incorrect. I know I've
entered it exactly as printed inside the trial kit. What will fix

I had the same. As the execution of my order took too long and I
wanted to start right away, I downlaoded the trial version.
When the CD for the full product arrived I tried to enter the key
coming with the CD.
It did not work.
This did not really bother € ,however. I just uninstalled the trial
version and installed the full version from the CD.
A affair of less than half an hour.


Rainald Taesler

Lani Bear shared these words of wisdom:
It's worth a try!

Yes ;-) But not worth to loose too much time.
AFAICs posting here will ahev taken longer than un-installing and
re-installing said:
But I don't see how I can remove the trial version
and not lose any data...

Uninstalling ON will not touch your data.
The data are stored in a special folder in "My Documents". And they
will stay there.
But it's always good to male a backup.
What order of steps do you recommend? (My
teen and I have Office for students and I hope to purchase the
student version of One Note.) I'm wondering if I can have it sent to
me, install it, then remove the trial version... or is there a

You have to do it the other way around:
- fisrt install what's installed at present,
- then make a fresh install from the CD.


Lani Bear

It worked! I reinstalled a new trial version though. Couldn't wait for a
new CD to arrive, and... now I'm wondering if I should be buying the 2007
version instead. Will spend the 60-days researching. That will be a new
question for the discussion~

Rainald Taesler

Lani Bear shared these words of wisdom:
It worked! I reinstalled a new trial version though.

Couldn't wait for a new CD to arrive, and...

OK, whatever works ;-)
now I'm wondering if I should be buying the 2007 version instead.
Will spend the 60-days researching.
That will be a new question for the discussion~

I would suggest to do so.
ON has been dramatically improved and it's really worth getting ON

It will appear together with the other Office 2007 applications in
early 2007.
At present there is a public Beta.
Although it's not really ready and there are some bugs as well as
minor glitches, I immediately made the move. As said before, I had
bought the full version but it did not stay on my systems longer than
a week. I'm really happy with the Beta and although there always is a
certain risk when using beta versions for "production", I so far did
not at all regret my decision to start right away with the new version
instead of getting into the old limited one and then later having to
face the need of a new learning curve and re-organisation of the whole
stuff collected together.

The beta is available for download on the Office Beta site of MS for a
nominal fee of $ 1.50.


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