Convert Number to Words

  • Thread starter Siddhartha Neogi
  • Start date

Siddhartha Neogi

Does MS Excel have any tool wherby a number can be converted to words, Eg.,
12345 be converted to Twelve Thousand Three Hundred and Forty Five etc.?



Please and please tell me how to conver a number into words.

for eg., 2500 has to be shown as Two Thousand Five Hundred

With expectation,

Hitesh Jain

Siddhartha Neogi said:
Does MS Excel have any tool wherby a number can be converted to words, Eg.,
12345 be converted to Twelve Thousand Three Hundred and Forty Five etc.?

Bernard Liengme

Saved from an earlier reply:
Numbers to words
1E+15 >>>>> Error (Absolute amount > 999999999999999)! <<<<<
0,123 Zero Dollars and Twelve Cents (rounded)
-1 Minus One Dollar and Zero Cents
20,123 Twenty Dollars and Twelve Cents (rounded)
-20,123 Minus Twenty Dollars and Twelve Cents (rounded)
1,01 One Dollar and One Cent
1000001,01 One Million One Dollars and One Cent (VBA)
1E+15 #ZAHL!
0,123 No Dollars and No Cents
-1 #WERT!
20,123 Twenty Dollars and No Cents
-20,123 #WERT!
1,01 One Dollar and No Cents
1000001,01 One Million One Dollars and No Cents;en-us;213360
1E+15 Hundred Fifteen Dollars and No Cents
0,123 No Dollars and Twelve Cents
-1 One Dollar and No Cents
20,123 Twenty Dollars and Twelve Cents
-20,123 Hundred Twenty Dollars and Twelve Cents
1,01 One Dollar and One Cent
1000001,01 One Million One Dollars and One Cent
1E+15 Hundred Fifteen Dollars and No Cents
0,123 No Dollars and Twelve Cents
-1 One Dollar and No Cents
20,123 Twenty Dollars and Twelve Cents
-20,123 Hundred Twenty Dollars and Twelve Cents
1,01 One Dollar and One Cent
1000001,01 One Million One Dollars and One Cent

Please note that in German Excel the "," represents the "." but you
should get similar results.
IMHO any serious spellnumber function should check its inputs
thoroughly and all your suggested versions DON'T (to be fair to
XLDynamics, I did not check recently, so that's maybe an outdated
status of information).

Bernd Plumhoff

Bernd P

Hello Bernard,

Please do not copy (my) old contributions because Ron has updated his
program, for example.

We exchanged our different opinions.

Still valid is: IMHO any serious spellnumber function should check its
inputs thoroughly.

But I would just generally say now: Test all circulating versions with
the inputs
for example, and decide yourself what's acceptable and what's not.



Rick Rothstein

Not all the listed function return values are incorrect, right? If they are,
I'd be interested in what you would expect them to be.

As an aside, here is a link to a numbers-to-text conversion function that I
wrote some 10 years ago now (wow, has it really been *that* long)...

Oh, and anyone reading this... you can ignore the restriction about using
the code in non-commercial applications only... I haven't enforced that for
years now.

Rick Rothstein

Oh, and I forgot to mention... the code at the link I gave you works fine in
Excel's VBA world and also works fine as a User Defined Function (UDF) as

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