Convert numerals



Does somebody have any idea about how to develop some VBA function or macroaiming conversion of several numerals types and that could be used for small and large numbers(e.g. 100000000000 in decimal)? The major numerals basefor which I need this conversions are:
Binary (Base 2)
Ternary (Base 3)
Quaternary (Base 4)
Quinary (Baase 5)
Senary (Base 6)
Septenary (Base 7)
Octal (Base 8)
Nonary (Base 9)
Decimal (Base 10)
Undecimal (Base 11)
Duodecimal (Base 12)
Base 13
Hexadecimal (Base 16)
Vigesimal (Base 20)
and others...

Thanks in advance,

Ron Rosenfeld

Does somebody have any idea about how to develop some VBA function or macro aiming conversion of several numerals types and that could be used for small and large numbers(e.g. 100000000000 in decimal)? The major numerals base for which I need this conversions are:
Binary (Base 2)
Ternary (Base 3)
Quaternary (Base 4)
Quinary (Baase 5)
Senary (Base 6)
Septenary (Base 7)
Octal (Base 8)
Nonary (Base 9)
Decimal (Base 10)
Undecimal (Base 11)
Duodecimal (Base 12)
Base 13
Hexadecimal (Base 16)
Vigesimal (Base 20)
and others...

Thanks in advance,

Unless you want to reinvent the wheel, it's already been done and available as a free Excel add-in. See which does base conversions and also handles more precision than does Excel.

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