convert or replace number using .(dot) for decimal to ,(comma)

  • Thread starter Evangelos Daflos
  • Start date

Evangelos Daflos

there is a field that contains numbers using . for decimal so i need to
create a field that replace . (dot) to , (comma)
the numbers are like 3 not 3.00 or 3.1 not 3,1 or 3.01 not 3,01 so if there
are number without decimal does not present .
in this case i am using the follow query
UPDATE table SET table.field1 = Replace([field1],".",","), table.field2=
but i need to build a command without run that query

Michel Walsh


Are you sure this is not simply a question of FORMATTING your number? if so,
your numbers are digitals, not strings, and the update is useless since the
table will revert the string to a digital representation (assuming the field
is numeric).

The Cultural (or Regional Setting) of your PC may asks to display a coma,
rather than a dot, for the decimal delimiter. It is considered to be hard on
the user to not respect his/her preference and to force, say, a US dot
delimiter when the user asks for a coma... Sure, that leads to some
interesting kind of bugs, mainly when you use automatic concatenation :

str= ".... " & floatingPointNumber & "..."

because, in:

".... myFunction( " & floatingPointNumber & " ) .... "

a coma will give TWO parameters to myFunction:

" ... myFunction( 0,5 ) ...."

while a dot will give just ONE:

" ... myFunction( 0.5 ) ... "

I don't know the whole story of your case, but be sure you don't use Replace
on a FORMATTED, but numerical, field.

Hoping it may help,
Vanderghast, Access MVP

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