Convert "pages" to "sections"?



I have a project that has outgrown the notebook section I started it in and
needs its own notebook. When I moved the section to the new notebook it
stayed in the "section" I moved (makes sense). I tried to move a page(with
sub-pages) to a new section in the "root" of the new notebook and the
sub-pages were lost (I did "undo" and regain the sub-sections). Is there an
easy way to convert "pages" and sub-pages to new sections in the new notebook?


Did you select both the page and the subpages first and then move them to the
new location? That should work. You have to select both the page and subpages
first. Then move them together.


I forgot to mention that you are not converting pages to sections, you are
moving them.


OK, I think I understand that a new "section" has to exist. Meaning the
"move" effort won't generate new sections where none exist. That would
require me to make a new section for every page I wanted to move out of this
one section that was originally copied into the new notebook. I probably will
not do that, but thanks for the info.

And no I did not select the sub-pages, but understand that should work.


When you move a section to a section group or a notebook, all the pages and
subpages within that section are moved with it.
Pages and any subpages can be moved only to a section, they cannot be moved
to a notebook or a section group. If you try, you are prompted to create a
section group or a section. If you create a section group, you still have to
create a section for targeting. Only when you have selected a target section
can the pages and subpages be moved.

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