I have Excel but not Project - I searched the templates and found some that
I'm very interested in using - however, they're only good for Project -
granted I'm looking for Project Schedules - but what I'm really needing is
the list of tasks to help me out - so it doesn't matter really if the
"functionality" of Project is there - I just need to list out in Excel and
create my own columns for hours, dates, etc.
If someone knows how to convert Project mpt files to Excel 2002 version I'd
really appreciate it - I couldn't find any "import" option in my Excel 2002
I have Excel but not Project - I searched the templates and found some that
I'm very interested in using - however, they're only good for Project -
granted I'm looking for Project Schedules - but what I'm really needing is
the list of tasks to help me out - so it doesn't matter really if the
"functionality" of Project is there - I just need to list out in Excel and
create my own columns for hours, dates, etc.
If someone knows how to convert Project mpt files to Excel 2002 version I'd
really appreciate it - I couldn't find any "import" option in my Excel 2002