Convert Publisher Web page for use on Bell (Canada) Web Hosting



I have created my dream web site using Publisher, followed the steps to
convert it to a web site.

When I try to upload it to my pre-arranged domain, using Firezilla, there is
a problem. The Tech assistants at Bell tell be that Publisher is not Bell
friendly, but that there is some magical way to create an index file that is

Does anyone have any insight into this problem?


If you are talking about then it
appears that the hosting plans have FTP uploading, so you must be making a
mistake when using FileZilla. Publisher produces an index.htm or optionally
an index.html file for the home page, plus an index_files folder that
contain your other pages and all your supporting graphics. There should not
be any compatibility problem. Go back and read the instructions for using
FileZilla again, and double check the ftp information provided by your host.
You probably made a simple spelling error or something.

If you have more questions about Publisher webs, then post in the web group
and we will try to help you there:
Please include the version of Publisher you are using, the URL of your site
and as much detail about your problems as possible.


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