convert space to non-breaking space


Dave Lett

Hi Daniel,

I think you can use something like the following:

Selection.text = Replace(Selection.text, " ", Chr(160))


Jay Freedman

Hi, Daniel,

If you're using Word 2000 or later, you can use the line

MyString = Replace(MyString, " ", Chr(160))

In Word 97, you'll need a For..Next loop to go through the string, changing
each space character to Chr(160).

Daniel Friedman

Regarding the two helpful replies I've received (thank
you!) did you know that Chr(160) specifies non-
breaking space? That is, if I should need to look up
something similar, like non-breaking hyphen, how can I
determine that character's code?


Jonathan West

Daniel Friedman said:
Regarding the two helpful replies I've received (thank
you!) did you know that Chr(160) specifies non-
breaking space? That is, if I should need to look up
something similar, like non-breaking hyphen, how can I
determine that character's code?

Type the character you want to check into a document. Select it, and then
open the VBA editor. In the immediate window, type the following

? Asc(Selection.Text)

You'll get the character code back.

Jonathan West - Word MVP
MultiLinker - Automated generation of hyperlinks in Word
Conversion to PDF & HTML


If you want the ability to do this regularly, make a macro of it. This
will display a message box showing the character code of the selected
character or of the character following the insertion point. Very

MsgBox Asc(Selection.Text), , "Character Code"


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