Convert text to numbers



I have a spreadsheet with numerous columns. Data is pasted in monthly into
one of the worksheets. Code is written on a separate worksheet , my report
worksheet, to interrogate this data. I have found that I am getting strange
results and found that two of my columns are coming in as text rather than
numbers. I don't want users to have to convert the columns manually. I have
tried coding this by using 1 as a multiplier when pasting, but this causes me
a problem. i have set my code up to interrogate 30000 rows ever time. This
way i am sure the user doesn't have to worry about the length of the pasted
data. when I use the multiplier those cells that were blank end up with a
zero in and my report goes to pot. If there a slick way to convert text which
are numbers to numbers?


Hi Vipra

Do this: Before you multiply your numbers with 1 select only non blank
cells... How??

As usual write 1 in any cell and copy it.
Select your cells (all of them - 3000 rows). Now go to
Edit> Go To..>Special... >Select the "Constants" option and click OK.
Now you see only non blank cells are selected.
Now do a paste special. Edit > Paste Special > and choose multiply. (u
already know this)
Job done in under 10 seconds.....

Karthik Bhat


I'm not sure why numbers would read in as text, other than there may have
been a change made to "Autocorrect " that change those numbers to text.
(autocorrect is located under TOOLS).


Thanks Karthik, I built it into a macro and used a button to re-issue as and
when needed.

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