I have a spreadsheet with numerous columns. Data is pasted in monthly into
one of the worksheets. Code is written on a separate worksheet , my report
worksheet, to interrogate this data. I have found that I am getting strange
results and found that two of my columns are coming in as text rather than
numbers. I don't want users to have to convert the columns manually. I have
tried coding this by using 1 as a multiplier when pasting, but this causes me
a problem. i have set my code up to interrogate 30000 rows ever time. This
way i am sure the user doesn't have to worry about the length of the pasted
data. when I use the multiplier those cells that were blank end up with a
zero in and my report goes to pot. If there a slick way to convert text which
are numbers to numbers?
one of the worksheets. Code is written on a separate worksheet , my report
worksheet, to interrogate this data. I have found that I am getting strange
results and found that two of my columns are coming in as text rather than
numbers. I don't want users to have to convert the columns manually. I have
tried coding this by using 1 as a multiplier when pasting, but this causes me
a problem. i have set my code up to interrogate 30000 rows ever time. This
way i am sure the user doesn't have to worry about the length of the pasted
data. when I use the multiplier those cells that were blank end up with a
zero in and my report goes to pot. If there a slick way to convert text which
are numbers to numbers?