I am trying to take a file with 178 pages from a .txt file to a .doc file. I
know that I can remane the extention to .doc and it will open in Word, but I
do not want to have to reformat the file. It needs to look the same in the
..doc as it does in the /txt file. I have tried renaming it to a .doc file
and it looses the :look" it has in the .txt file. I have tried copying and
pasting also, again lost the "look". Any suggestions? I cannot find a
conversion wizard to assit with this on Microsofts site either.
know that I can remane the extention to .doc and it will open in Word, but I
do not want to have to reformat the file. It needs to look the same in the
..doc as it does in the /txt file. I have tried renaming it to a .doc file
and it looses the :look" it has in the .txt file. I have tried copying and
pasting also, again lost the "look". Any suggestions? I cannot find a
conversion wizard to assit with this on Microsofts site either.