----- Original Message -----
From: "s0200897" <>
Newsgroups: microsoft.public.word.docmanagement
Sent: Thursday, September 29, 2005 9:48 PM
Subject: Re: Convert word to pdf
Thanks all.
Actually, I just want to diable the text select tool in case others can't
use the TouchUp text tool to revise my original texts. So, the texts and
background should be merged (like a whole picture) after I convert the
to pdf but I don't know how to do that.
I have tried to convert the word to pdf first then convert that pdf to
Finally, convert the jpg to pdf. However, the resolution is too low to
recognize my texts.
Please kindly help.
"lostinspace" ??:
Having opened the PDF with Acrobat (not the free reader);
FILE / Document Security /
Document is secured with / scroll to Standard Security
Encryption Level; scroll to 128-bit
Uncheck the two checked boxes.
In the following line "Changes allowed", scroll to NONE
Printing; sroll to either NONE or Low Resolution.
Save file with two passwords which will further hamper many hackers.
NOTE, you should record these passwords some place.
SAVE File.
Exit and test.