Casey Brown
I am quite new to using XML, and I am looking for some advice about
approaching the following problem:
How can I take an XML file (containing a mixture of data and image paths)
and create from it a Word document (.doc)? Though I haven't actually done
it, I undestand how one can transform XML to, say, html by using an XSLT,
but I am having trouble understanding the jump to a .doc file. I'm not even
sure if what I am asking is possible, but a friend thinks it is, in Word
2003 at least. Do I have to write an XSLT? How do I go about doing so?
If it's not possible, are there good alternatives that are flexible? My
finished .doc will ideally have a bunch text and tables containing the xml
data, and the easier I can change the final appearance the better,
Thanks for any advice you have!
I am quite new to using XML, and I am looking for some advice about
approaching the following problem:
How can I take an XML file (containing a mixture of data and image paths)
and create from it a Word document (.doc)? Though I haven't actually done
it, I undestand how one can transform XML to, say, html by using an XSLT,
but I am having trouble understanding the jump to a .doc file. I'm not even
sure if what I am asking is possible, but a friend thinks it is, in Word
2003 at least. Do I have to write an XSLT? How do I go about doing so?
If it's not possible, are there good alternatives that are flexible? My
finished .doc will ideally have a bunch text and tables containing the xml
data, and the easier I can change the final appearance the better,
Thanks for any advice you have!