convert xml to doc


Casey Brown

I am quite new to using XML, and I am looking for some advice about
approaching the following problem:

How can I take an XML file (containing a mixture of data and image paths)
and create from it a Word document (.doc)? Though I haven't actually done
it, I undestand how one can transform XML to, say, html by using an XSLT,
but I am having trouble understanding the jump to a .doc file. I'm not even
sure if what I am asking is possible, but a friend thinks it is, in Word
2003 at least. Do I have to write an XSLT? How do I go about doing so?

If it's not possible, are there good alternatives that are flexible? My
finished .doc will ideally have a bunch text and tables containing the xml
data, and the easier I can change the final appearance the better,

Thanks for any advice you have!



Yes, as your friend said, Word2003 has an option to saveas .doc into .xml.
That means some XMLs can easily be converted into .doc. The easiest way is
peeking the .xml converted from .doc. You can choose another scenario like
..rtf or something, but that can be meaningless hard work(personal opinion).

Joe Fawcett

Casey Brown said:
I am quite new to using XML, and I am looking for some advice about
approaching the following problem:

How can I take an XML file (containing a mixture of data and image paths)
and create from it a Word document (.doc)? Though I haven't actually done
it, I undestand how one can transform XML to, say, html by using an XSLT,
but I am having trouble understanding the jump to a .doc file. I'm not even
sure if what I am asking is possible, but a friend thinks it is, in Word
2003 at least. Do I have to write an XSLT? How do I go about doing so?

If it's not possible, are there good alternatives that are flexible? My
finished .doc will ideally have a bunch text and tables containing the xml
data, and the easier I can change the final appearance the better,

Thanks for any advice you have!

As well as Han's advice there are a number of things you can do:
* Modern Word (2000 and to a lesser extent 97) understands html, transform
to that and save as a .doc if needs be
* One step on from above transform into the HTML that is used by Word
itself. Save a document from Word to html to see (it's not pretty)
* Transform to an xsl-fo document and convert that to RTF, there are a
number of packages that can do a reasonable job of this, obviously word docs
with macros and the like are a no-no

Joe (MVP - xml)

Casey Brown

Similarly, does anyone know if PPT 2003 can read XML files like Word 2003
can? I haven't been able to find out one way or another.


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