Converting 02 pub to pdf cmyk issues



I have Pub 02 and Acrobat 7.Prof. and have the following issues when
converting to .pdf.

My pub in commercial options states I am only using 100% K and say 100% M
thus I'm wanting a 2 color print job. Yet when I convert either through a .PS
then to .PDF or direct to .PDF the .PDF blends all CMYK colors.

I have tried the following with no success: Change pdf settings to convert
all to CMYK and have tried leaving the setting of leave colors unchanged yet
it still converts to 4CP. I have also tried both settings when using a 1 spot
color in Pub. same issue.

Is there a way to solve this? I send the PDF files for commercial printing
to our local newspaper, I have discussed with their prepress dpt. without any
luck, is there a way for them to solve this or should I be sending in a
different format? Thanks Jackie

Mac Townsend

if you cannot use spot colors in your Publisher document then you are
stuck tryng to kludge the way your paper wants it (and most of the peple
I've encountered at small papers are close to clueless about anything
that's not a macintosh and 1-2 applications)

you will, I suspect have to use your M and K in a CMYK publisher
document then print as cmyk composite. Hopefully that will work. If it
does not, then Publisher is scrambling the stuff itself.

The settings in Distiller's job options, color tab, should, I think, be
to "leave color unchanged"

frequently it takes multiple tries with different settings to come up
with something. Why? Because every app handles it differently.

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