Converting a large word document to pdf



How is the best way to convert a large word file to pdf? The cheapest? The
easiest? Are they the same? Is there a way within Microsoft Office to do
this or do I need to purchase a converter? Which one? How easy or difficult
is it to learn to do this? I seem to be a slow learner. Am I better off to
hire it done?

Thanks so much for any ehlp.


There's nothing hard about it: it's just like printing, except the output is
another file on your computer. For simple purposes, it's trivial. There's
really not much to learn.

You need special software to do it: Acrobat (the writer, not the free
reader) is the still the best, although there are clones that are cheaper
and, at least for everyday purposes, just as good. Some of these are
downloadable and are free (or provide free trials). In general, you get what
you pay for.

You can also do it for free through the Adobe website, though that mightn't
be a good approach if you have a large document and a slow connection.

Or just ask a neighbour. That's what they're for.

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