Converting a Word Perfect document into a Microsoft Word document?


Salmon Egg

Old versions of MS Word were able to convert Word Perfect documents. What is
the simplest way to do that with an old Word Perfect file and a contemporary
version of Word?


Beth Rosengard

Hi Bill,

Word no longer contains WordPerfect converters (and hasn't for some time).
Courtesy of Daiya Mitchell:

MacLink Plus from DataViz is respected as an excellent converter for WP and
other programs that you can pay for.

Free options--I think both AbiWord and NeoOfficeJ will open WordPerfect
files okay, though I've had issues with footnotes in one of them (forget
which one). -- ...tml> My Site: <>

Michel Bintener

In addition to Beth and Daiya's comments: you can also use Nisus Writer
Express, which uses the same filters as AbiWord. At the same time, I seem to
remember that there are WordPerfect filters for the Windows version of Word,
though they haven't been updated in quite some time. So if you have access
to a Windows machine, you could always give it a try; however, the
WordPerfect filters might not be installed by default, so you may have to
add them through a custom install.

Hi Bill,

Word no longer contains WordPerfect converters (and hasn't for some time).
Courtesy of Daiya Mitchell:

MacLink Plus from DataViz is respected as an excellent converter for WP and
other programs that you can pay for.

Free options--I think both AbiWord and NeoOfficeJ will open WordPerfect
files okay, though I've had issues with footnotes in one of them (forget
which one).[/QUO...& Word) ***Always reply to the newsgroup.***

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