Converting Access 2002 table to Word 2002 Document


Ray K

I presently have an Access table of high school classmates, one name per
row, with the following 10 columns headings:


I want to print the directory in alphabetical order by
Last_Name_at_Graduation, using Word. A maximum of six lines will be
allocated to each classmate as follows:

Line 1. Last_Name_at_Graduation(Present_Last_Name), First_Name
Line 2. House_Number Street_Name
Line 3. City, State Zip
Line 4. Phone_Number
Line 5. Email_address
Line 6. Blank (as a separator)

Note the presence of the added commas in Lines 1 and 3, the spaces that
follow them, and the parentheses in Line 1. These commas and parentheses
are not in the Access table.

Some of the constraints that rule out using Access's report feature:
1. Some of the last names will appear in bold. Access doesn't allow
this. (Maybe some complex macro will allow this, depending on a code in
a separate column.)
2. Some of the graduates do not want their phone number and/or their
email address disclosed. I don't want to display blank lines if either
of these items are omitted. I'll just allocate one or two fewer lines to
that graduate. I'm prepared to manually delete unwanted blank lines, as
the database is about 200 names.
3. I want the output to appear in three columns on 8.5 x 11 sheets.

Copying and pasting from Access to Word will result in a table in Word.
I could select the top left and bottom right corners of the table and
merge all the cells. Each cell will then appear on its own line, so
there is the tedious chore of merging them into the formats of Lines 1-6
and then the simple task of making them into three columns (by copying
and pasting outside of the table, deleting the table, highlighting, and
using Format/Columns/3).

Anyone see any shortcuts for simplifying this task?



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