converting access 2002 to 97 - switchboard problems



I created an Acc 2002 db with a switchboard and a few
forms connected to it. Works fine in Acc 2002 but when I
converted it to Acc 97 format and tried to open it on an
Acc 97 machine I get the following error when trying to
bring up the switchboard (the default):

"compile error method or data member not found" this is
pointing to the line:

Set con = Application.CurrentProject.Connection

Specifically at the term "CurrentProject" which I can't
see is defined within the code. I did not generate this
particular code myself; I assume that it is automatically
generated to handle the switchboard.

Are switchboards significantly different in A97 versus
A2002? Should I define CurrentProject? How? Any help is
greatly appreciated.


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