Converting Address List in Word to Excel Spreadsheet



Okay, I know this is incredibly dumb and I aplogize in advance.

I have a list of names, addresses and phone numbers in a Word document.
They are typed in like this:

Joe Smith
ABC Company
123 Main Street
Anywere, USA 11111
(555) 555-5555

Mary Jones
CDE Company
55 Elm Street
Somewhere, USA 22222
(444) 444-4444

How, step by step, do I convert this data into an Excel spreadsheet? I want
columns at the top with Name, Company, Address, State, and Postal Code. Can
this be done?

Suzanne S. Barnhill

This will be very easy if you have a paragraph mark (or line break) at the
end of each line and two paragraph marks (or line breaks) between address

1. The first step is to convert paragraph breaks to line breaks (if
necessary). Use Find and Replace to search for ^p and replace with ^l
(lowercase L).

2. Now replace ^l^l (two line breaks) with ^p. This will give you each
address block in a single paragraph.

3. Now replace ^l with ^t (tab character). This will give you each address
block in a long line.

4. Select all your text and use Table | Convert | Text to Table to create a
table, separating at tabs.

5. If you have the same number of lines in each address block, then all your
fields will be in the right column; all you have to do is add the desired
heading row. Although you can paste this into an Excel sheet if you want to,
if you're going to use it as a mail merge data source, Word is perfectly
happy to use the table you just created.

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