In importing a dbf file into Access, I have run into the following problem.
There is a numeric 2 digit mo field, a numeric 2 digit day field, a numeric 4
digit year field, and 4 character time field with leading 0 when necessary.
I can build an expression that creates the Short Date and Short Time format
within a single field (without the colon in Time). However, I am having
problems getting Access to recognize this as a date time field. Everything
is left justified in the created field, whereas when I build a data time
field from scratch with Short Date and Short Time, everything is right
justified. Is there a straightforward expression that will combine the mo,
day, year, and time fields into a single date time field formatted by Short
Date and Short Time?
There is a numeric 2 digit mo field, a numeric 2 digit day field, a numeric 4
digit year field, and 4 character time field with leading 0 when necessary.
I can build an expression that creates the Short Date and Short Time format
within a single field (without the colon in Time). However, I am having
problems getting Access to recognize this as a date time field. Everything
is left justified in the created field, whereas when I build a data time
field from scratch with Short Date and Short Time, everything is right
justified. Is there a straightforward expression that will combine the mo,
day, year, and time fields into a single date time field formatted by Short
Date and Short Time?