i have a table with columns and records like this
Fields Record 1 Record2
employeename tom ian
month june june
Stage1-Penthouse 10 20
Stage1-Beachclub 15 25
Stage3-Penthouse 30 45
Stage3-Beachclub 50 90
but i want my table and records to be like this
Fields Record 1 Record2 record3 record4
employeename tom tom Ian Ian
month june june june June
Item Penthouse Penthouse Pthouse Phouse
Stage 1 3 1 3
No.of hrs 10 30 20 45
and so on like this
pls. help me how do i do this . this is very urgeant for
i have a table with columns and records like this
Fields Record 1 Record2
employeename tom ian
month june june
Stage1-Penthouse 10 20
Stage1-Beachclub 15 25
Stage3-Penthouse 30 45
Stage3-Beachclub 50 90
but i want my table and records to be like this
Fields Record 1 Record2 record3 record4
employeename tom tom Ian Ian
month june june june June
Item Penthouse Penthouse Pthouse Phouse
Stage 1 3 1 3
No.of hrs 10 30 20 45
and so on like this
pls. help me how do i do this . this is very urgeant for