Converting Eudora to Outlook - Workaround!



Hi! I've found a pretty good workaround for converting from Eudora to Outlook. The trick is to first import into Outlook Express, and then Export to Outlook. A few notes on this:

- This method WILL preserve the Sent dates for all your Out mail; this is the only method I've found that does this.

- This method will NOT preserve the attachments for your Out mail. You won't even be able to see which Out messages had attachments at all.

- This method WILL preserve the attachments for all other mailboxes (just not any Out mail). It will preserve the attachments as actual Outlook attachments, meaning that the attachments will be saved along with the messages, and you can open and save them right from the Outlook. (If you import Eudora directly into Outlook, your attachments won't be saved with the messages - you'll only have a link to the attachment.)

- This method will NOT preserve your Eudora message status, e.g., Replied, Forwarded, etc. All your messages will just appear as Read.

Here's how:

1. When importing into Outlook Express, choose the Eudora import option (the version numbers don't matter - I did it with Eudora 6.1, and it was fine).

2. OE will ask you to find the files. Point it at the Eudora folder in your Program Files directory. This will usually be: C:\Program Files\Qualcomm\Eudora or C:\Program Files\Eudora .

3. You can then select which folders to import into OE. If you want to test this out first, just choose one folder.

4. Once your folder(s) are imported into OE, choose Export, and OE will export all mail into Outlook.

5. For your Eudora Out mail: When your Out mail is imported into Outlook, it won't automatically be saved into the Sent Items folder. Outlook will create a mailbox called Out. Just open that mailbox and drag all the messages into the Sent Items folder. They'll show up with all the correct dates.


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