Converting Excel to Word



This is my dilema, the company I work for scanned old manuals in an
Omnipage and had it saved as an Excel document. Not only did they save
it in Excel they saved each page into a seperate sheet in Excel. They
should have saved it in Word, but didn't. I have been assigned to
convert several (10 manuals at 200-300 pages long) Excel docs into Word
docs. I tried to open doc in word, but it did not work right. I do not
want the information in tables, but it is okay to have all formatting
removed (even better). Is there a way to do this? Do I need to buy new
software? Thanks.



This is my dilema, the company I work for scanned old manuals in an
Omnipage and had it saved as an Excel document. Not only did they save
it in Excel they saved each page into a seperate sheet in Excel. They
should have saved it in Word, but didn't. I have been assigned to
convert several (10 manuals at 200-300 pages long) Excel docs into Word
docs. I tried to open doc in word, but it did not work right. I do not
want the information in tables, but it is okay to have all formatting
removed (even better). Is there a way to do this? Do I need to buy new
software? Thanks.


One of the things you can try is to open up Word, then import the Excel
sheets into Word. Then convert tables to text. You will have to do some
editing to make sure the information make sense and that it is continous
in terms of what it suppose to say. The reason for this is if every
page is a cell, then each cell, when converted to text retains some of
the Excel stuff and it will look out of alignment. Also, I don't know if
the cell next to each other are consecutive pages or did it save
vertically then horizontally in Excel.



A little more info; each single page of xls is it's own sheet within a
workbook, each sentence is a cell. I tried your suggestion heres what
happened, It started out as a 38 page workbook and ended up as 1000+
page word doc. For some reason it put alot of ^p and extended my
document. I tried a find (^p)and replace(space bar). The document ended
locking up (I hope I am making sense).Do you have any other ideas? I
also tried copy one page of original doc paste in pad then copying that
data into word, but it added alot of unecessary spaces and has caused
alot of extra time in editing. Thanks.



A little more info; each single page of xls is it's own sheet within a
workbook, each sentence is a cell. I tried your suggestion heres what
happened, It started out as a 38 page workbook and ended up as 1000+
page word doc. For some reason it put alot of ^p and extended my
document. I tried a find (^p)and replace(space bar). The document ended
locking up (I hope I am making sense).Do you have any other ideas? I
also tried copy one page of original doc paste in pad then copying that
data into word, but it added alot of unecessary spaces and has caused
alot of extra time in editing. Thanks.


I think that you can resolve your system locking up by working with one
page at a time and saving it. Once you have all 38 pages, you can merge
them all together or paste and copy them to one central document.

As for the <p, that is a paragraph symbol. I think that your method of
finding and replacing should work but I know that since you merge all of
the 38 pages into one document and every cell is a sentence, that can
cause any system to slow down to a crawl and stand still. Try it again
with just only one page at a time. At this point, if you think that this
is still too much editing, the only alternative I can see that can cut
your time is to rescan the document and saving it as a Word file instead
of Excel. That might be faster for you then to edit all these pages.

It is a shame that whoever scanned these pages in, did not understand
how OmniPage was set up. Now you have to clean up their mess.


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