Converting from .pdf to .pub



Is it possible to convert a .pdf file to .pub file?

I want to use the .pdf as a template.

Rob Giordano \(Crash\)

No, not really. You can insert a pdf as an object in a .pub file. If you
have Acrobat 8 you can save the pub as a .jpg, .png, tiff or eps I believe
then use it in a pub layout. Kinda depends on what you're trying to do.

Hop on over the one of the Publisher newsgroups for more help.

Rob Giordano
Microsoft MVP Expression

| Is it possible to convert a .pdf file to .pub file?
| I want to use the .pdf as a template.

Mike Mueller

With a full version of Acrobat the OP could save as RTF amongst others,
which import into Publisher nicely.

Just don't convert form PDF to RTF to PUB and then try to make web pages
from it.

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