Converting Hexadecimal number to floating point decimal number



Ron, McGimpsey and others. I want to really thank you for your help. Ro
your routine worked great. I dont fully understand how yet but I a
happy to receive your help. You are a great guy. One more twist t
this. I want the routine to run and re-calculate automatically when th
hex numbers change. That way I could automate the calculation and thi
whole thing could run unattended. Any help. Thanks agai

Ron Rosenfeld

Ron, McGimpsey and others. I want to really thank you for your help. Ron
your routine worked great. I dont fully understand how yet but I am
happy to receive your help. You are a great guy. One more twist to
this. I want the routine to run and re-calculate automatically when the
hex numbers change. That way I could automate the calculation and this
whole thing could run unattended. Any help. Thanks again

If you have Tools/Options/Calculation Automatic set, it should recalculate
whenever you change the contents of any of the cells to which the formula
refers (A1:A5 in my example).


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