converting mail identity



Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Intel
Email Client: Exchange

I tested the beta Exchange for Web Services and have been stalled at build 12.1.5 for Office.
The last update included the advice: "If you would like to install Service Pack 2 for Office 2008, you will need to completely remove the beta copy of Office 2008 (including Entourage, Web Services Edition and the 12.1.5 build), and re-install your retail, licensed copy of Office 2008 for Mac. At that point, you will be able to install Service Pack 2."

I tried that but it didn't recognize my mailbox identity/database. I hesitate to export it all and re-import it into a completely virgin installation; might lose something in the process.

This is what can happen when you work with beta software, but is there a way back to the standard version?

Pawan Kapoor

Is all your emails there on the exchange server? if yes then install a fresh
copy and sync it with your mailbox on the server. if you have emails in your
local folder "Folders on my computer" then move them back to your exchange
mailbox and then follow the first step.

hope this helps.

Diane Ross

I tested the beta Exchange for Web Services and have been stalled at build
12.1.5 for Office.
The last update included the advice: "If you would like to install Service
Pack 2 for Office 2008, you will need to completely remove the beta copy of
Office 2008 (including Entourage, Web Services Edition and the 12.1.5 build),
and re-install your retail, licensed copy of Office 2008 for Mac. At that
point, you will be able to install Service Pack 2."

You do know SP2 has none of the EWS improvements???? A final for EWS is
coming by end of summer.


I've got both local and server storage.
Pushing it all onto the server makes sense, but I thought I'd archive some of it away first to pull the size down a bit. Less to mess with.
It's easy to get over the size limit imposed by the Exchange server guys.



You do know SP2 has none of the EWS improvements???? A final for EWS is
coming by end of summer.

Good point. I went to the Beta because it looked like the Exchange server configuration was nudging me that way. But apparently not - the rest of my group stayed with version 12 and didn't have problems. I think I had transitional LDAP/Domain/proxy/keychain authentication conflicts.

I wanted to apply the post-12.1.5 upgrades for the possible speed improvements and security patches, but put it off. Now I see that Service Pack 2 will be the minimum requirement to install the release version of Entourage Web Services Edition - so I pretty much have to migrate to get there. It's now or later.


Diane Ross

I've got both local and server storage.
Pushing it all onto the server makes sense, but I thought I'd archive some of
it away first to pull the size down a bit. Less to mess with.
It's easy to get over the size limit imposed by the Exchange server guys.

AutoArchive Exchange Account to "On My Computer"

Move all e-mail older than 60 days (time can be adjusted) from your Exchange
account folders to archive folders within the "On My Computer" folder tree.


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