Ah, yes, I should have guessed that rounding errors would creep in.
will cope with your example, but I fear that at some stage it will fall foul
of another rounding hiccup.
will round the inches down.
Another option which might be more robust might be
=INT(ROUND(CONVERT(D6,"m","in"),0)/12)&"'"&(MOD(ROUND(CONVERT(D6,"m","in"),0),12)&"""")--David Biddulph"Seb" <
[email protected]> wrote in messagenews:
[email protected]...> Thanks David, that works great, however with for example 3.08 m the resultis> 10'0.999999999999986". Is there any way to avoid this or to have it roundup> as well?> Thanks>>> "David Biddulph" wrote:>>> The answer is not in feet and inches, but in feet with decimals.>> 3.429m gives 11.25m, which is 11ft 3in.>>>> You could try something like>>=INT(MROUND(CONVERT(D6,"m","ft"),1/12))&"'"&MOD(MROUND(CONVERT(D6,"m","ft"),1/12),1)*12&""""The complication is to avoid getting things like11'12"--David Biddulph"Seb" <
[email protected]> wrote inmessagenews
[email protected]...>=CONVERT(D6,"m","ft")>> "bj" wrote:>>> what formula did you use>>>> "Seb"wrote:>>>> > I have converted metric into imperial using the convertfunction