Converting number or text to a Date Format



Hi there,

First post.....

I downloaded a file from my database (not access) which outputs th
file to .txt

Using excel I can set each colum for the text and it puts each piece o
data in to a column etc. Very nice.

One of the pieces of data I output from the system is a persons date o
birth, however, it is shown as (an example) 19340101. I can convert thi
to something that looks nicer by usin
=RIGHT(A1,2)&"/"&MID(A1,5,2)&"/"&LEFT(A1,4) but that doesn't conver
the number in to a date format.

I need to convert 19340101 to 01/01/1934 in a date format that exce
can understand.

Any ideas.

Thanks in advance.


Bob Phillips

Try a formula of




(remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)

Dave Peterson

Another way:
select that column of "dates"
data|text to columns
fixed width -- but don't subdivide that field
choose ymd (ydm???) as the field type
format the way you want.

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