Converting ON 2003 files to ON 2007 format



When doing a search in ON 2007, I got the message "Non-upgraded sections: 6.
These sections must be upgraded to OneNote 2007 format before they can be

I searched the Microsoft support web site and found Article 923307
<> which states:

OneNote 2003 files are read-only files in OneNote 2007 until the files are

When you start OneNote 2007 for the first time, you have the option to
upgrade your notes. After the initial migration, OneNote 2003 files are
opened as read-only in OneNote 2007. Use the InfoBar to upgrade your OneNote
2003 files to the OneNote 2007 file format. The InfoBar is the yellow status
bar at the top of the page. The InfoBar displays the following message:
This section was created with an earlier version of OneNote and cannot be
edited. Click here to upgrade."

But I can't find anything that looks like an "InfoBar". There's nothing
vaguely like a "yellow status bar at the top of the page". Plus, none of my
sections, as far as a I can tell, are read-only.

Can anyone give me some guidance?

Ilya Koulchin

If you are able to make changes in your sections, they're most
definitely not in the 2003 format. Could it be that these sections are
in a section group, or some other notebook?


How would I recognize that the sections are in a section group or some other


Ilya Koulchin

RJL said:
How would I recognize that the sections are in a section group or some other

You'd have to navigate through any section groups or notebooks that you
have to look for them. Unfortunately, there is no easier way.

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