Exported as a spreadsheet?
I don't recall that option in export...
It didn't make much sense to me, but I decided to try various options
in case the .msg files didn't work.
A MSG file is a e-mail file.
That is correct. For Outlook.
You wouldn't open them in Excel if they were MSG files. Most e-mail
clients should be able to open them.
Good idea. I downloaded Thunderbird. Starting it, I found it
already had messages from 2008 from when I had it installed before. I
guess when I deleted it back then, it didn't uninstall correctly.
I tried dragging the .msg files into Thunderbird. No luck. I tried
importing them, but didn't see the Outlook option. I tried opening
them with Thunderbird, nothing happened. (When I tried opening them
with Mail, they ended up as attachments to a new message).
Do you know of an OSX mail client that opens .msg files?
"In no part of the constitution is more wisdom to be found,
than in the clause which confides the question of war or peace
to the legislature, and not to the executive department."
- James Madison