converting page to a graphic?



I would like to use a WORD 2000 page (the whole page,
text and graphics) as an icon, but first would have to
convert it to a graphic Is that possible??

Suzanne S. Barnhill

You can select the entire text area and Copy, then Paste Special | As
Picture, but this will not include header or footer. If you need the
*entire* page, you'll need to use a screen shot. You can get a quick and
dirty screen shot using PrintScreen or Alt+PrintScreen, then copy it into a
graphics editor for cropping and save in a graphics format. If you have a
dedicated screen capture app such as SnagIt (, this
process is greatly simplified, as you can select the exact region you want
to copy, automatically save in the desired graphics format, and use the
built-in editing tools to add snazzy effects if desired.

Suzanne S. Barnhill
Microsoft MVP (Word)
Words into Type
Fairhope, Alabama USA
Word MVP FAQ site:
Email cannot be acknowledged; please post all follow-ups to the newsgroup so
all may benefit.


Thank you! Will look into Snag-it.
-----Original Message-----
You can select the entire text area and Copy, then Paste Special | As
Picture, but this will not include header or footer. If you need the
*entire* page, you'll need to use a screen shot. You can get a quick and
dirty screen shot using PrintScreen or Alt+PrintScreen, then copy it into a
graphics editor for cropping and save in a graphics format. If you have a
dedicated screen capture app such as SnagIt
(, this

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